Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Our driller is a Huterite.

Which is cool, I guess. Funny enough - as your talking with him... you can be talking about skiing and trucks and all sorts of manly things. But in his eyes, you can see the only thing he's thinking about are combines and sheep.

He's cool like that.

Today was muffin day. I baked up a batch or two of banana muffins. Was talking to the boys about the muffin's I baked and the driller pipes up "men shouldn't be baking. Never mind that! The only cooking that men should be doing involves the BBQ."

Something about muffins should come from the store.


Does anyone know a muffin recipie that you cook on the barbeque? Or maybe just make muffins like normal and put the barbeque on medium or something?

That'll be fridayish.

Operation muffin continues.


Blogger Ms. Poshlust said...

They make these in west-virginia. They call them "Barbeque Muffins" - and it's usually the guy that makes them.

9:23 PM


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