Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I was bored. Oh so bored.

Which is the essence of awesome.

When I'm bored; I start doing 'funny' things. ('funny' usually means stupid and slightly dangerous)

Fortunately, the office figured to break up my boredom by sending me a very not-strong 2nd hand to train up. Yay!

So here is a photo of me doing what I do best. Something questionably stupid and moderately dangerous.

Thats right, I'm balancing on a weight doing bicep curls.

You would think this an ordinary thing... but the weight on the bottom doesn't have a flat edge. I actually fell over like 3 times trying to get this picture.

Use your imagination please

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Blogger Fated said...

Hey you finally posted the picture!

*instant amusement*

That is pretty entertaining. :)

5:37 AM

Blogger River Gibeaut said...

So that is who you are. (salute the Captain)

7:29 AM


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