Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Out of water

I got a christmas card in the mail 2 days ago.

Funny enough - there were three lines in there for me - ending with "conserve water".

Well, becuase I didn't pay the water bill - my water got shut off.

Thats right! No more water. I guess the billing system here is substantially different than Canada and when they say "please pay the $10 you owe us" - not only do they not tack it onto your next bill; but they will actually shut off your water for less than it costs to send the guy out to shut it off.

Which sorta sucks - not having water - as my parents will be here tonight. Nothing is more fun than saying "sorry guys; we have to sleep at a hotel because we can't shower in the mornings, wash clothes or really do anything usefull" *smile* Embarrasing!

"look at how well i'm doing on my own... whats that? you want to wash your hands?!?"

Yeah - and its christmas - so I might not get my water turned on until January 2nd.


Shows me for not paying the water bill these last 3 months.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A wedding in Brazil

So the girlfriend's cousin got married on friday night.

Naturally my girl and her Gringo Boyfriend (who is still the talk of the family) - me - are invited.

She died her hair last weekend - brown with red highlights (and damn hot too!)

Spent this week looking for dresses for Livia (yes - she has a name); found a store that makes things that seem to fit her body type well. Picked up 2 dresses. One of them red with red and red on it. Looks very nice and a little strange with her current hair color.

The wedding was scheduled to start at 8pm. We get there at 9 (traffic, problems with getting dressed etc.) and sit to talk with her family for a bit. Because of my cold (gripe in portugues) my voice is completely gone; i can't talk. *smile* just fine for me. The wedding starts with the people walking up to stand on either side of the altar thing. I was like "great! normal - people getting married" and then the flower girl wearing a red dress dances up the isle strewing flowers about.

Thats right - danced. True - I've never seen a ballet dancer before - this didn't look too bad, but pretty amateur to my untrained eye. Anyways; the bride groom walk up the isle, the priest starts his thing. My girls phone rings; she's kinda hiding it, but she starts talking to her mom on the phone. Hangs up and starts chatting with her aunt like they are 17 years old and in the back row of a social studies class.

I got right grumpy - if this was my wedding, I would stop the whole thing and tell them to shut up - but this seemed to be normal here. There was another guy talking on his phone, some other people right out of it staring at the ceiling. It was a mystery. Dude is praying and these people are almost ignoring him. Heck - the girl beside the priest (priestess maybe?) was yawning as well.

So wedding progresses. They get the ring; the dancer comes out with a guy in these silk pijamas (looks like a kung-fu outfit actually) and they dance the story of the bride/groom's love. (I sent an "Oh Snap" text to my buddy regarding that). Then we all stand up, extend our hands and pray over the bride and groom. (which was also a first for me).

The thing ends - the bridal party goes to cut the cake (which we didn't get any of) and take pictures, the rest of us sorta chilled out and had different plates of finger food.

Midnight - everyone went home.

I guess it was a quasi-evangelical brazilian wedding.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A long long time

Wow! 5 months between posts.

As typical - I've thought up a hundred things to post about but always figured my only source of internet (work) was blogger-blocked.

What a surprise today when I figured to try and managed to get in.

First off - where am I - I'm in Brazil still. Still have the same girlfriend; still doing the same job.

Coordinating people.

I've sorta fallen into a rhythm of wake up, work, sleep and going to things on the weekend.

Have made some friends but mostly see my girlfriend when I'm not working.

I've taken up scuba - just got certified last weekend; my first dive is supposed to be on sunday but I've got a hell of a sinus cold and don't know if I'll make it.

what else? Not much exciting.

Work and sleep.

I'm sick - being depressing today; I'll be happy next post I promise.